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To my mind, Spock’s canceled death was an even worse error than Meyer had reckoned. Related: Ideas | Adam Nimoy: I absolutely adored Spock. But beyond that, it was a dry hustle of people’s emotions, to wring the tears out of them - and test audiences literally sobbed at Spock’s death - and then say, ‘Forget it, folks, just yankin’ your chain.’” Furious at being steamrolled, Meyer refused to direct the post-production additional shots at a botanical museum. “For one thing, it was driven only by crass commercial considerations. “I thought then that canceling Spock’s death was an unmitigated disaster,” Meyer recalled. This coda sequence enabled the follow-up film, with some sci-fi magic, to resurrect Leonard Nimoy’s character. In the revised final cut, Spock’s casket is jettisoned into space and lands on the terraformed and newly verdant Genesis planet. Ultimately, corporate meddling forced Meyer to undo Spock’s death. And death threats poured in through the mail when word leaked that Meyer’s script called for Spock to die. Meyer had to sneakily wear down William Shatner’s hammy acting with multiple takes.

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Work behind the scenes was no perfectionist utopia. And by some miracle, I emerged - bonkers - but with a workable script.” I plowed through them, and over 12 days of breakneck delirium, I culled the best elements and frantically rearranged them like a Rubik’s Cube. So, too naïve and desperate to know better, I asked Harve to have the scripts loaded on a truck and delivered to my house. “We had five discrete and unrelated failed scripts, and George Lucas’s effects company needed to begin work in less than two weeks. “A few months after producer Harve Bennett brought me on as director, I learned the whole project was about to go belly up,” Meyer said. It turns out the script was stitched together, like Frankenstein’s monster, from bits and pieces harvested from the screenplay graveyard. But when it came to “The Wrath of Khan,” he clammed up with hermeneutical humility. Meyer offered exuberant interpretations of the whole canon of Western art and literature - our 45-minute conversation hit on Bertolt Brecht, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Eliot, Sigmund Freud, John Gay, Christopher Isherwood, Mozart, Plato, Giacomo Puccini, Renoir, Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Virginia Woolf, and Tchaikovsky. So I reached out to Nicholas Meyer, the film’s director, who went on to co-write the franchise’s fourth film and direct and co-write the sixth. I had to know how this warning against perfectionism came about. The leading actors in the Enterprise crew in "Wrath of Khan." ASSOCIATED PRESS/Associated Press Later, Kirk’s bravado is punctured by Spock’s unavoidable demise. “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario,” Kirk says, in effect staving off any reckoning with death. ” How did he do it? He reprogrammed the software. Later it’s revealed that when Kirk was in that training himself, he became “ the only Starfleet cadet to ever beat the no-win scenario.

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In the film’s opening scene, cadets are in a starship simulator room to take part in a no-win tactical exercise known as the “Kobayashi Maru Scenario.” It’s a training exercise meant to demonstrate something about the cadets’ character. And at the root of Khan’s obsession with total control is an unwillingness to accept the frailty of human life: He blames Kirk for the death of his beloved wife.Įven Kirk harbors illusions of immortality. They implant eel-like creatures into people’s heads to negate their free will. Convinced of their infallibility, Khan’s group reject empathy and compromise.

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The result, though, was an elite clutch of autocrats bent on imposing order through brute force. Khan was unwittingly created by a project that we’re told was dreamed up as the solution to human barbarism, an attempt to perfect the genome to transcend the flaws of human nature. "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" was released in June 1982.

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